Saturday, November 22, 2014

MOCKING JAY: IT WAS A LOT BETTER THAN YOU'D THINK! *by the way, there are no spoilers in this post ;)!*

OK, OK, OK, Calm Down!

*Just so you know I'm talking to myself ;)*

Okay, I just saw MOCKING JAY!!!!! XD

It was a lot better than I expected!

But, the thing that made me surprised that it was so good, was that my dad was telling me that some of the reviews said it REALLY stunk! But, I guess we can't always judge by the *experts* think!


(By the way, it makes a lot more sense if you have read the books, or seen the other movies!)

Sorry this is a short post, but it is really late right now!

Hugs and Kisses, Toodles and TaTas

True <3

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