Thursday, November 20, 2014

Let's Christmas it up!


*What you are about to read is so amazing, that you might want to read it with sunglasses on*

DoDoBurd is AMAZING!
DoDoBurd is a Gift idea website, which  I saw and immediately fell in LOVE with!

Here is the link:

But, for realzies, this website has *INSPIRED* me so much!

So, I recommend you all check it out!

NOW! *Set's down wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and odds and ends*
Let's get to Christmasing it up!

Now, I am going to be making gifts for my family, but I don't think that I should post about them yet!
Don't worry, I will release them soon, but I am just in fear of one of them seeing this post and going, "Oh, really, that's what you needed that stuff for!"

But, anyways, I love you all, and have a good night!

Tata! Toodles!


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