Okay! So I might have missed a few posts last week... Oh who am I kidding, I didn't do any posts! I am so so so so SO sorry for last week!(starts pacing back and forth, then suddenly stops in tracks) Wait I forgot to tell you what the whole reason this post is about. Well last weekend we went to the S.P.C.A., and almost got a DOG! He was SO stankin' adorable! He was so hairy that he looked like a mini chewbacca. He was still there when we came for him, he doesn't shed, he wasn't that big, he was perfect!...... Weeeellll, until we actually met him! When we did meet him he started growling and baring his teeth at us, sort of like an actual wookie would! SO yeah, that didn't quite work out, but at least we might still try to get a dog from there!
The S.P.C.A. is an awesome animal adoption center that stands against animal cruelty. That place brings out the kind of hippie "Peace to all living things" vibe in me! But anyways, these guys are amazing and use a " No kill" policy. They rock, and I suggest you go to them if you're ever looking for a new pet! Here is their website
*Warning* I cannot be held responsible if you end up adopting a million adorable pets!
His wookieness is the only reason I even agreed to go you know.