Saturday, November 29, 2014

House Redecorating!

Today was very laid back!

My mom is going to re-design some of our house,

and so, we have been taking down all of the curtains and blinds,

and just kind of preparing to move in all of the furniture!

And, one of my favorite parts of this whole thing,

The fact that my mom wants me and my sisters to make some new art to hang!

When we first designed our house, we chose very neutral colors because we

weren't planning on keeping it very long!

But, after a while of having these colors still in the house after we decided to stay,

My mom is sick of it!

So, hopefully we will be able to finish painting in time to get the Christmas decor up by the end of 

this week!

Anyways, I hope I will be able to get some art out to you guys soon!

Toodles and TaTas!

True <3

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