Thursday, February 28, 2013

What I'm listening to lately

It's been a really busy week with lots of homework, a trip to Mesquite, and guitar lessons.
But I find that when I listen to music it can actually help me through my busyness! (Side Note: I had noooo idea that is how you spell busyness! I had to look it up at Which by the way, is an awesome tool!)
Anyhow! It seems to give me more energy, yet, it relaxes me too.

These guys have been a favorite of mine for a while now. They are a really great band from Iceland! They're kind of Indie music meets Folk music. I dunno, their sound is really unique! Their beats are really AWESOME!
This is one of my favorite songs of theirs. I've memorized all the lyrics, which are kind of sad, but covered up by a happy tune! I hope you like it too!

SO! Tell me what music gets YOU motivated!?


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