Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pinterest! PASS or FAIL! - DIY Hair

Anyone out there have a Pinterest account?! (Enthusiastically raises hand)

(Read the following with a medieval accent for full effect of my excitement)
I have LOVED Pinterest EVER since the first DAWN of my account!
It twas a GLORIOUS day of searching through the depths of Pinterest, making boards and pinning pictures of all the random cuteness and things that I would like to do, but will probably NEVER accomplish!
(I don't know why, but I just felt like talking in a medieval accent just now, thanks for humoring me)

Anyhow, I've noticed Pinterest has a lot of tutorials and DIY stuff. So, I took a crack at some of them and I have decided that I could help you to know which ones are easy to make and which ones are an epic FAIL!

Today's Pinterest Pass or Fail is a DIY hair tutorial. You can find the original pin here.

Now, please take into consideration that my mom is NOT an expert french braider, but she managed to do this.

Here is the result!

I liked it so I'm giving it an EPIC PASS!

Now go try it on yourself! Unless you have short hair.....or are bald.....or you can't find someone to help you reach the back of your head.....ANYHOW, if any of those happen, just go buy a hat!



Drop me a line!

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