Monday, February 11, 2013


I have recently took a liking to random facts! Sooo, every few days I will put up a new piece of useless information! But before you go on you have to watch this video! You can then know how to say faCT! This is how I say it in my head now. "Random faCT Monday". Just sounds better when you say it that way! My parents call me a walking encyclopedia of useless facts, so I am now passing on my information to you...aren't you LUCKY!? AND THIS WEEKS RANDOM FACT: The longest Monopoly game in a bathtub lasted 99 hours. Dang, they must be pruney. Toodles!


  1. I wonder why they would play monopoly in a bathtub!? Wouldn't the money get ruined?!

  2. Maybe there was no water in the bathtub?!

  3. They must have been sleepy, too. That's a long time!


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